Art by


I’ve never had any formal art training, but it’s something I’ve been doing ever since I could hold a crayon in my hand. Every recess in elementary school I would go to my corner and draw the SAME picture, which looked something like this:

Childish Drawing of a Girl and Tree

Sometimes the tree would be replaced by an equally large butterfly, or there would be a rainbow or something. In general, it was the same picture every time. I wasn’t interested in creating something inspirational or realistic; I just liked drawing because it was relaxing and fun.

Eventually I started to draw other things, like flowers and Pokémon and fruits. As I got better, I started to draw humans and animals. In high school I took an art class but I was told I was doing it “wrong” because I didn’t sketch everything out before drawing. I know my teacher was trying to help but I never thought of drawing as something you could do “wrong”. Well I still draw today for the same reason I started: because it’s relaxing and fun. So my drawings are technically wrong, and some of them are unfinished, but I had fun making them and hopefully you’ll have fun looking at them.